Rural Life
Investing in fossil fuels is not the future - Green Party
The Green Party has “warmly welcomed” the decision by An Bord Pleanála to refuse planning permission for the proposed Shannon...
Rural Life
The Green Party has “warmly welcomed” the decision by An Bord Pleanála to refuse planning permission for the proposed Shannon...
Agri Politics
The decision by An Bord Pleanála to refuse permission for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Co. Kerry is,...
Following the launch of the SenseHub Milk Monitoring Technology last year, MSD Animal Health has made advancements in milk monitoring...
Rural Life
An Bord Pleanála has today (Friday, September 15) announced that it has refused permission for a liquefied natural gas (LNG)...
Rural Life
The Tánaiste has told the Dáil he believes that a proposed LNG terminal is not the right investment for a...