The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has warned members of the public to take “extreme caution” after the discovery of an infestation of an invasive moth species that poses a threat humans, animals and trees.
The department confirmed the finding of caterpillars of the oak processionary moth (Thaumetopoea processionea).
The caterpillars were found on four oak trees in a housing estate in Dublin.
The caterpillar nest and the four trees have been destroyed.
According to the department, the moth poses a potential risk for human health and animal health, as the body of the caterpillar is covered in numerous irritating hairs.
Contact with the hairs can cause an allergic reaction which can result in skin rashes, conjunctivitis, and respiratory problems such as pharyngitis and asthma.
Ireland has ‘protected zone’ status under EU plant health rules for this moth species.
A protected zone is an area of the EU which is free from a harmful organism.
The department said that it has commenced an investigation into the infestation found in Dublin.
This includes surveying the area around the infected site for further signs of the moth species.
“An intensive survey campaign using trapping methods and visual examinations of oak trees will continue over the coming weeks and months,” the department said.
The caterpillars of this moth are mainly associated with feeding on foliage of oak trees.
If availability of oak trees is limited, the caterpillars have been known to feed on other tree species, including acacia, birch, hornbeam, hawthorn, hazel, and beech.
However, it is uncertain whether they can survive on these species and complete their life cycle development to adults.
The caterpillars feed on leaves and can cause severe defoliation, leaving trees weakened and open to secondary infections from other pests and diseases.
Suspected sightings in Ireland should be treated with extreme caution, the department said.
Any sightings, along with the contact details of the person who makes the sighting, and the location, should be reported to the department.
The department advises people:
- Not to touch or approach caterpillars or their nests;
- Not to let children or animals touch or approach caterpillars or their nests;
- Not to try to remove the nest or individual caterpillars yourself;
- To warn children not to touch or approach caterpillars or their nests;
- To seek medical advice if you think you or someone else has been seriously affected;
- To see a vet if you think your pets or livestock have been seriously affected.