Horticulturists have one week left to apply for two new schemes to support innovation and diversification in the horticulture sector.
The schemes are aimed at increasing innovation and diversification among primary producers in the horticulture sector. The closing date for applications is midnight of next Friday (August 23).
The 2024 Scheme for Innovation and Diversification in Horticulture (Feasibility / Desk Studies) is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises engaging in primary fruit and vegetable production that would like to innovate and diversify in the industry but need to carry out specific studies before doing so.
The 2024 Scheme for Innovation and Diversification in Horticulture (Capital Investments) aims to increase innovation and diversification in horticulture by grant aiding capital investments in specialised plant and equipment.
The two schemes are funded by the national exchequer to the tune of €1.35 million.
A member of the Seanad has called on people in the sector to apply for the funding.
Victor Boyhan – a horticulturist himself – said: “Critical innovation strategies for developing products and technologies require an openness to exploration, cooperation, and entrepreneurship.
“The aim of this funding is to support new strategic thinking, and that will involve creating a conducive environment that encourages sustainability, creativity and new ideas for diversification, new markets and viability, [which are] all critical components for successful horticultural enterprises,” Boyhan added.
According to Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue, the horticulture sector provided a contribution of €566 million in farmgate value to the Irish economy in 2023.
“The National Strategy for Horticulture 2023-2027 sets out a clear vision to grow a more profitable, value-added sector, driven by innovation and sustainability,” the minister said when the schemes were launched last month.
“The opening of these two schemes with a total budget of €1.35 million supports the ongoing implementation of the strategy and will provide support to growers to enable them to explore new diversification opportunities and to invest in innovative technologies,” Minister McConalogue had added.