Domestic milk intake by creameries and pasteurisers was estimated at 924.3 million litres for June 2018, according to the latest figures released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO).
This was 0.7% above the corresponding 2017 figure, which accounted for 917.9 million litres.
Comparing the June 2018 milk produce figures with those for June of last year shows that total milk sold for human consumption decreased by 3.9% to 45.6 million litres.
Butter production was also down 5.4% to 25,560t, the CSO added.
In terms of specific product sales, whole milk sales were up for the first six months of this year, recording sales figures of 167.7 million litres. This compares to 163.2 million litres sold as of June 2017.
Skimmed and semi-skimmed milk sales on the other hand saw a slight drop, with 104.7 million litres sold up to the end of June 2018, compared to 106.2 million litres sold at the same period last year.
To compile the figures, whole milk purchased by creameries and pasteurisers from domestic producers through collection depots and separating stations was recorded, including whole milk obtained from herds owned by the creameries and pasteurisers.