76% of spring barley crops yielded less than 2.5t/ac; that’s according to a poll carried out on AgriLand from Tuesday to Thursday of this week.
According to the poll, 29% of tillage farmers had completed their harvest, while 31% had between 75% and 100% of their harvest under wraps.
On the other end of the scale, 17% of farmers had 25-50% of their harvest completed, while 23% had 50-75% of their crops through the combine.
These figures are unlikely to have changed significantly since Tuesday, as showery weather hampered field work.
On yield, 24% of AgriLand readers reported spring barley yields over 2.5t/ac, while 76% were below this figure.
The majority (39%) of respondents reported spring barley yields of less than 2.5t/ac, but higher than 2.0t/ac.
29% of farmers reported yields of below 2.0t/ac and 8% reported yields of less than 1.5t/ac.
Moisture contents
Moisture contents were extremely good this year. 51% of participants in the poll reported average moisture contents below 17%, while 27% stated that average moisture contents were below 19%.
Just 8% of farmers who took the poll had moisture contents above 19%. 14% of those who took the poll had moisture contents below 15%.
Protein contents
Readers were also asked where average spring barley protein contents were coming in. The majority of protein contents stood below 12% and above 10.8%.
22% of protein contents were above 12%, while 5% of protein contents were below 9.3%.