Agricultural Science hopefuls are being reminded that the reply date by which CAO applicants must accept a Round One offer is tomorrow, Friday, August 23, at 5:15pm.
The Central Applications Office (CAO) has indicated that candidates must accept by the reply date if they wish to secure a place.
To date, over 37,000 Round One offers have been accepted since they were issued to 51,513 applicants last Thursday, August 15.
552 of those offers are to candidates whose first preference is agriculture.
In 2018, there were 542 offers with 475 students opting for agriculture as their first preference – this indicates an increase of 85 applications on last year.
Offers and acceptance
Meanwhile, CAO communications officer, Eileen Keleghan, said that if a candidate received a Round One offer and they choose to accept this offer, they must do so by this Friday at 5:15pm.
If they don’t accept by this date their offer will lapse.
She added: “It is important for candidates to note that if they have received a lower preference offer, they can accept this offer and it will not prevent them from receiving an offer of a course higher up on their courses list in a later offer round, if a place becomes available and they are deemed eligible.
“Applicants should consider their current offer as potentially the only offer they may receive; applicants who received an offer on both their Level 8 and level 7/6 lists are reminded that they can only accept one offer per offer round.
Round Two offers will be available to view on the CAO website from 10:00am on Wednesday, August 28.
“The reply date by which Round Two offers must be accepted is Friday, August 30. Offers are then issued on a weekly basis up to late-September for all remaining places.”
Meanwhile, CAO applicants who are unhappy with the course they have been offered, or those who have not received any offers, may wish to check the ‘Available Places’ facility on the CAO website where almost 200 courses are currently advertised.