The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) has said that some 3,236 applications made under the first three tranches of the new Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS 3) are still being processed.
The latest data, published by the department, shows that just over 16,000 applications were approved under all tranches as of yesterday (August 6).
The scheme provide grants to farmers to build and/or improve a specified range of farm buildings and equipment on their holding.
The department said that 2,201 out of the 3,799 applications made under tranche 3 of TAMS, which closed in mid-April, are still being considered by officials.
1,353 applications have been approved, 160 were rejected and 85 were withdrawn by the applicant.
The following table provides the latest update on tranche 3 applications for the 10 schemes contained in TAMS 3:
TAMS 3 scheme Applications Rejected Withdrawn In progress Approved Animal Welfare Nutrient Storage Scheme 1,000 30 32 626 312 Dairy Equipment Scheme 88 1 3 57 27 Farm Safety Capital Investment Scheme 1,055 67 14 501 473 Low Emission Slurry Spreading 314 0 5 309 0 Organic Capital Investment Scheme 320 12 8 123 177 Pig & Poultry Investment Scheme 37 2 1 29 5 Solar Capital Investment Scheme 326 9 4 223 90 Tillage Capital Investment Scheme 219 9 8 95 107 Women Farmer Capital Investment Scheme 170 9 5 83 73 Young Farmer Capital Investment Scheme 270 21 5 155 89 Total 3,799 160 85 2,201 1,353
The data also shows that 159 applications are still deemed to be “in progress” under tranche 1 of TAMS 3.
7,209 (88%) out of the 8,203 applications made as part of this tranche have been approved, 659 rejected and 176 withdrawn.
Meanwhile, 876 applications made under tranche 2 are being processed by department officials.
7,466 (82%) of the 9,110 applications have been approved, 562 rejected and 206 withdrawn.
Farmers are currently able to submit applications under tranche 4 of the scheme, with the deadline falling on September 6.