The Borris Ewe Breeders’ Association will hold its 61st show and sale on Saturday, August 10 at Borris Mart in Co. Carlow, 

The Borris ewe is a cross between a Cheviot ewe and a Suffolk ram, which then gives the ewe its speckled head.

A spokesperson for the society said the Cheviot brings the “maternal traits and size” while the Suffolk ram “brings the power, and also the size”.

“The Borris ewe is the backbone of many of Irelands flocks and is standing the test of time,” they added.

There is set to be 1,000 hogget ewes and 600 ewe lambs available at the sale.

On Saturday, the lambs will be sold first at 10:30a.m, and the hogget ewes will be sold later in the day at 12:30p.m.

Two further sales will be held later in August and in early September.

Source: Borris Ewe Breeders’ Association

The Borris Ewe Breeders’ Association originally began with a Bluefaced Leicester ram, before it moved to a Suffolk ram, which remained for most of the 60 years.

The value of the ewe is known to continue when their ability to produce lambs ends, as they can maintain excellent confirmation and shape as a cull ewe and fetch a good price.

at last years show and sale there were a total of 550 ewe lambs was offered for sale that were all sold, with prices ranging from €110 to €185 a head, with the exception of the prize winners.

In 2023, there were 940 hogget ewes on show on the day that had an almost full clearance, with prices ranging from €190 to €300/head for a hogget ewe.

The association will hold a total of three sales in 2024, with the remaining two sales set to take place on Saturday, August 24 and on Saturday, September 7.