As the dairy industry faces into life post quota, and with milk prices inĀ free fall, it is a worrying time for many dairy farmers across Ireland.

While it is not the first time that dairy farmers have faced pressure onĀ prices, what is different this time is the very heavy burden of debtĀ that many farm families and young new entrants are carrying.

Much of this is due to the irresponsible manner in which the currentĀ Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney, has been relentlesslyĀ promoting dairying as a panacea to all the country’s ills.

Even beforeĀ the current price slump the Minister’s over optimistic predictions wereĀ not based on the economic reality of the world commodity markets.

Presently, world consumption for dairy products is increasing at 2% perĀ annum and probably slowing due to economic factors, while production isĀ increasing at 4% per annum and all major producing blocs have signalledĀ their intent to increase production.

This has been the case for several Ā years now in the run-up to the removal of quotas.

In this climate then, for the Minister to be advocating and activelyĀ promoting a massive 50% increase in production without ever at any stage ‘stress testing’ these plans against either a global price dip or anĀ interest rate rise, or without factoring in the weakness of the euroĀ which makes our current exports more competitive on internationalĀ markets, showed poor leadership and a lack of understanding of theĀ market.

What if there is a price dip, or an interest rate rise, or ifĀ the euro gains strength?

The Minister’s insistence that the solutions lie in opening theĀ intervention markets, resolving the Russian embargo, and that IrelandĀ has a cost competitive advantage in producing milk are all erroneous andĀ further misleading farmers.

Intervention is a short-term solution which does not address theĀ problem, as for the Russian embargo – this has caused problems for theĀ Baltic States but Russia is still a buyer on the world market, just notĀ from the EU; if the embargo was removed it would not change theĀ oversupply situation on the world market.

The constant refrain that Ireland has a competitive advantage inĀ producing milk again does not stand up to scrutiny. While grazed grassĀ is price competitive, other costs in Ireland are high by internationalĀ standards and leave Ireland mid-table in terms of production costs.

The previous government is now held to account for their mismanagementĀ of the construction industry; this minister is a culpable of creating aĀ similar bubble in the dairy industry, the effects of which will be feltĀ for a long time as indebted farmers struggle in silence to stay afloat.

Luke 'Ming' Flanagan

Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan is an MEP for theĀ Midlandsā€“North-West constituency.