The Irish Hereford Breed Society recently held two cattle dressing and showing workshops as part of a competition it is running.

The competition, which is in conjunction with Slaney Foods International and Lidl Ireland, is to select a team of four young Hereford breeders to represent Ireland in the Young Handlers Competition at the World Hereford Conference in New Zealand in March 2020.

The first workshop was held on the farm of Tom and Anselm Fitzgerald of Grianan Herefords on Saturday, July 27, in Co. Westmeath.

The second workshop was held on Wednesday, July 31, in Bandon Mart, Co. Cork.

Both days kicked off similarly, starting with lunch at 12:00pm and a chat between the candidates, hosts, demonstrators, members of the society and sponsors.

The two workshops covered all of the essential information surrounding showing cattle.

These included:

  • Initially choosing the animal;
  • Handling the animal;
  • Tying the animal;
  • Washing and drying;
  • Clipping and brushing the animal;
  • Using enhancing products such as soap to highlight the animals good points; and
  • Finally demonstrating leading the animal into the ring.

Each candidate had the opportunity of seeing their demonstrator at work first before getting hands on at preparing the animal for the show themselves and leading the animal as if in a show.

The next step of the competition for each candidate is to show Hereford cattle of their choice at an agricultural show of their choice.