An organic producer day is set to take place next Saturday, October 12, in Marlay House, Rathfarnham, Co. Dublin.
The event is being hosted by the Irish Farmers Association’s (IFA’s) Organic Project Team which is chaired by Nigil Reneghan.
Speaking ahead of the event, Reneghan outlined: “This event provides a unique opportunity to meet the farmers of Ireland.
“We have partnered with Fáilte Ireland’s ‘Taste the Island’ campaign as part of this initiative.
Primary producers and industry representatives will be present to educate consumers and tourists about the high-quality produce we have to offer.
He outlined: “We are actively lobbying for the reopening of the organic scheme to new entrants for specific commodity sectors that are currently in deficit.
“There has been a 70% growth in the organic sector in Europe over the past 10 years.
Just over 2% of land is attributed to organic production in Ireland and we are hugely dependent on importing organic food to meet consumer demand.
“Events such as this are a great opportunity for stakeholders and farmers in the organic sector to come together and highlight opportunities that exist in the sector.”
The event will be officially opened by the Minister of State for Food, Forestry and Horticulture, Andrew Doyle.
Concluding, Reneghan urged members of the public to come along to the event and noted that all are welcome.