This week’s factory quotes sees trade generally steady overall despite prolonged wet conditions keeping factory cattle supply numbers high.

Over 40,000 cattle were slaughtered in weeks 42 and 43 of this year. Cows account for approximately 25% of the overall weekly kills with P grade cows making up approximately 62% of cow supplies and P1 grade cows making up approximately 25% of overall cow supplies.

Procurement staff have noted the high number of short-fleshed parlour cows that are available at present and have said in cases where well-fleshed P grade cows are presented, more money is available.

Procurement staff are also noting farmers are more keen in general to move on forward-type cattle as wet conditions countrywide ARE leaving shed space for cattle in high demand.

To view prices paid for cows by grade in week 43 of this year, click here.

Factory quotes: Heifers and steers

Heifers are being quoted at €4.65/kg on the grid generally speaking, leaving an in-spec R-3- grade heifer coming in at €4.85/kg on the grid.

Steers (bullocks) are being quoted at 4.60/kg on the grid leaving the same grade and spec of a steer coming into €4.80/kg carcass weight.

In the week ending Sunday, October 29, the average price paid for an R=3= grade steer was just over €4.80/kg, inclusive of all bonuses paid.

The average price paid for the same grade of a heifer in that week was just over €4.83/kg.

Cow price

Cow price has remained steady at most sites despite one processor moving to take 10c/kg off its cow quotes this week.

As always, most stronger cow-buying outlets will pay higher rates for well-fleshed cows but are also interested in short-fleshed parlour cows, albeit at a lower price.

In the week ending Sunday, October 29, the average price paid for a P=1+ cow was €2.70/kg, according to Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) official figures.

U grade cows are being quoted at €4.20-4.30/kg in general, with up to €4.50/kg being quoted at the top-end of the scale.

R-grade cows are being quoted at €4.10-4.20/kg. O grade cows are being quoted at €3.80-4.00/kg while P-grade cows are being quoted at €3.70-3.90/kg.

The above quotes are for cows with a fat score of 2+ or above and a carcass weight of 270kg or higher.

According to figures from (DAFM the average price paid for an O=3= grade cow in the week ending Sunday, October 29, was just under €4.00/kg.


Under-24-month bulls are being quoted at €4.75-4.80/kg for U grades with €4.65-4.70/kg being quoted for R grades.

O grade bulls are being quoted at €4.45-4.50/kg and P grade bulls are being quoted at €4.35-4.40/kg.

Under-16-month bulls are being quoted at €4.60-4.70/kg on the grid in general.