This weeks factory quotes have seen more processors move to increase their price quotes, citing strong demand for beef in the lead up to Christmas.
Steer (bullock) supplies have been easing off in recent weeks, but heifer supplies are remaining firm.
Cow supplies have been running at record highs up to the week ending Sunday, November 19, but these cows are predominantly ‘P’ grade cows coming direct from dairy herds as culls.
Factory quotes: Heifers and steers
Heifers are being quoted at €4.75-€4.80/kg on the grid in general this week, with top prices of €4.85/kg on the grid available for heifers at some sites.
Steers are being quoted at €4.70-€4.75/kg on the grid in general, with top quotes of €4.80/kg at some sites.
Angus and Hereford bonuses remain available on all eligible cattle, and are generally ranging from 10-20c/kg.
Cow price has also moved up at some sites, as processors remain keen to secure cow supplies of all types. Parlor cows are making up the majority of the cow kill. It remains to be seen if cow supply numbers will ease off into the final few weeks of the year.
U grade cows are being quoted at €4.40-€4.50/kg generally speaking. R grade cows are being quoted at €4.20-€4.30/kg.
O grade cows are being quoted at €3.95-€4.05/kg and P grade cows are being quoted at €3.85-€3.95/kg, generally speaking.
The above cow price quotes are for cows with a carcass weight above 270kg and a fat score of 2+ or above.
Under-24-month bulls are being quoted at prices ranging from €4.85-€5.00/kg for U grades with €4.75-€4.90/kg being quoted for R grades.
O grade bulls are being quoted at €4.60-€4.70/kg and P-grades are being quoted at €4.50-€4.60/kg.
Young bulls are being quoted at €4.70-€4.75/kg on the grid.