Clipex, an Australian company founded in 2007, is offering farmers an environmentally friendly fencing solution that is ‘perfect for Irish conditions’ and well-suited to modern farmers and their practices.

The company has brought these innovative and alternative products to Irish livestock farmers since setting up its European headquarters in Ennis, Co. Clare, in 2017.

A new addition to their Ennis headquarters is a Showroom and Shop – opening on September 1, and located in the company’s warehouse (V95 D592) – that has the purpose of advising customers on the best health and safety practices both in animal handling and fencing

To coincide with the grand opening, for the month of September, Clipex will be running special deals, especially in sheep yarding, cattle crushed and fencing. 

It offers Irish farmers a complete fencing system and innovative stock handling solutions, as part of a growing product line.

The key attraction of Clipex equipment is its longevity – especially in Irish conditions.

“We’ve decided to use all Clipex posts for our fencing this year. Traditionally we were using wooden posts and we found they were beginning to rot a lot,” said Pierce Flemming, a farm manager in Co. Meath and recent convert to the Clipex approach.

“With Clipex posts we’re getting a 30-year guarantee.

“So far I’ve driven about 600 of them and I’m very happy with how well they’re going down. It’s a very easy operation; it’s a single-man operation – with 12m intervals between each post.

“We’re using high-tensile wire and straining to the end using the Clipex straining posts, which are well able to take a good strain.

“In terms of the mechanism we find it very simple…with the clips for putting on the wire.

“[On some stands] we’re using two-clip posts. On other parts of the farm, where there’s calves, we’re using four-clip posts – where we can add extra stands of wire easily.

Farm manager Pierce Flemming

“We can load up 300 or 400 posts in the bucket of the teleporter with our whacker…or in the back of the quad. You could go out fencing all day without having to go back to gather supplies.

“With conventional wooden posts you’d nearly need a trailer to bring out that amount in the one go.

“So far we’re very happy with them; we’ve driven down through some very hard, stony ground – no issues using a petrol whacker.”

Environmentally friendly fencing

Clipex managing director, Kevin Lernihan, said: “Our two-clip posts are made from high-tensile galvanised steel, especially for Irish climactic conditions.

“Suckler farms; dairy farms; sheep farms; we have a post designed for every farm use.

“You can change your paddocks as often as you like. You can remove the posts and re-drive them again,” Lernihan continued.

“It suits, for example, the modern dairy farm where you want to change around your paddock system every few years or for when you want to reseed…or use slurry equipment where you can just drop your wire and put it back up.

“Some of the advantages of our posts are that they’re environmentally friendly.

“They don’t leech into the ground, and they’re recyclable. Another advantage is they’re light-weight and easy to use.

“You don’t need a contractor. You can put them in with a post driver, a front loader, a petrol driver or a hand knocker.”

Kevin added: “The initial cost of these posts might be slightly more expensive than your traditional timber post, but you will not be replacing.

A more affordable option

“A Clipex fence is the cheapest fence that you will ever build. It’s the quickest fence you will ever build,” Kevin continued.

“We in Clipex design crushes, handlers and fencing – anything to make the farmer’s life easy.

“All our fencing is TAMS-approved. Everything is designed to last. This is a fence you have to put in once – once in a lifetime.”

Click here for more information about Clipex products, or call either of these two numbers to speak to someone about your fencing needs: 065 670 3351; 087 191 4360.