Agriland has teamed up with some of the best-known agricultural brands and manufacturers to launch what is we believe the largest ever farming giveaway in the country.

As part of the competition, you have the chance to win €1,000 worth of MSD Animal Health products.

MSD Animal Health offers animal health professionals, farmers, pet owners and governments the widest range of veterinary pharmaceuticals, vaccines and health management solutions and services.

MSD Animal Health is dedicated to preserving and improving the health, well-being and performance of animals.

According to MSD it markets the widest range of ruminant vaccines on the Irish market and it has recently launched a new website called to support farmers in understanding and learning more about the diseases which affect their animals.

The information on the MSD website explains complex animal health issues in a nice and easy to understand way.

There is a major emphasis given by the modern beef, sheep and dairy farmer on disease prevention and on the place of preventative vaccines in maintaining a healthy, profitable herd, MSD said.

Dr. William Minchin, Marketing Manager with MSD Animal Health, said that with vaccine sales increasing by more than threefold during the past decade, it is clear that farmers are opting for the preventative approach to animal health.

“The majority of our research spend is now focused on the production of new vaccines.

“There is also a strong focus on new and innovative ways of administering vaccines such as the concurrent use of Bovipast and Bovilis IBR,” he said.

MSD Animal Health manufactures and sells well-known brands such as Bovilis BVD, Bovilis IBR, Leptavoid H, Bovilis Bovipast RSP, Bovivac S and many more.

MSD is delighted to be involved in this farm free for a year competition in association with Agriland and it wishes all applicants the very best of luck!

Farm free for a year!

Agriland has teamed up with some of the best-known agricultural brands and manufacturers to launch what is we believe the largest ever farming give away in the country.

Recognising the difficult trading conditions which farmers throughout the country have been operating in this year, Agriland, Irelands largest farming news portal and our competition partners are set to giveaway an unprecedented collection of prizes including a host of farming essentials.

You can enter the competition here. Please see the terms and conditions.