Family members of Tirlán suppliers who are embarking on agricultural science degrees this year are being encouraged to apply for bursaries worth €1,000 each.
Tirlán and Baileys are collaborating under the “Sustainable Farming Academy” to support farm families’ positive environmental actions by offering the bursaries to family farm milk and grain suppliers.
The bursaries are open to Tirlán family members beginning their degree studies in agricultural science in University College Dublin (UCD), University College Cork (UCC), Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) or the South East Technological University (SETU).
Tirlán members are requested to complete an application form available through the Tirlán FarmLife website.
They will be asked to submit a personal statement, outlining how being awarded a bursary would support their studies and environmental improvement on their family farm.
John Murphy, Tirlán chairperson, explained that in order to be eligible for this bursary, applicants must be a family member of a co-op supplier.
“The aim of the Sustainable Farming Academy and the bursary awards is to support our suppliers and their families in addressing environmental, economic and social change by giving them the skills and knowledge to farm more sustainably into the future, as outlined in our ‘Living Proof’ sustainability strategy.
“The content of the personal statement submitted by bursary applicants is vitally important, as it will be used to guide eligibility.
“All eligible candidates will be entered into a randomised draw, based on the university they are studying in,” he said.
The opening of applications for the 2023 bursary awards comes as 20 other Tirlán suppliers prepare to begin their first semester in UCC of the fully-funded Diploma in Environment, Sustainability and Climate, as part of the Sustainable Farming Academy.
Suppliers who successfully complete the diploma will graduate with a Level 7 Diploma, recognised by the National Framework for Qualifications.
Modules include earth science, climate change and sustainable development, ecology, applied geographical information systems, environmental protection and practical environmental management.