The Road Safety Authority (RSA) has urged drivers to be aware of the potential danger of sun glare this weekend.
The RSA has said that when there are no obvious dangers and the days are brighter, people often drop their guard.
Glare from the sun can result in drivers being temporarily dazzled or blinded, therefore caution is advised.
Met Éireann has announced that clear, sunny conditions and high temperatures are forecast over the coming weekend, so the RSA is advising drivers of the following:
- Reduce the risk from sun glare and of being dazzled by wearing sunglasses;
- Be aware of the dangers of when travelling east in the mornings and west later in the day;
- Be prepared and ensure you have adequate supplies of water; any delays to journeys could result in road users being stuck in traffic for a period of time in hot conditions- children and pets are particularly at risk during these hot spells of weather;
- Ensure your windscreen is clear of grease or grime inside and out;
- Make sure you have plenty of window washer fluid to clear flies/insects and excess dust from the road when driving;
- Watch out for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders and motorcyclists.
The glare from the sun can also be a danger when crossing the road or at junctions, as the road drivers vision may be impaired.
According to the RSA, there is a spike in pedestrian, cyclist and motorcyclist casualties over the summer months, as the fine weather attracts more people to go spend time outside.