Agriland made the trip to Roscommon Mart on Wednesday (November 23) to check in on the trade at its weekly sheep sale.
A full yard of sheep was met with a brisk trade on the day. Finished lambs were the talk of the moment, with prices reaching a high of €159/head.
The trade for these heavy lambs was helped by an ever-rising demand from factories, with prices continuing to improve. This was evident with plenty of buyers present for finished lambs, while there was no shortage of buyers for store lambs either.
The sale was dominated by heavier lambs, with store lambs not as plentiful as other weeks.
There was a large amount of lambs being meal-fed present, with no shortage of quality lambs on the day, many of which were made up of ewe lambs.
Lambs north of 50kg sold in excess of €150/head, with many selling in the €150-155/head bracket.
Lambs in the 47-49kg weight range also broke €150/head on occasion, but generally traded from €140/head up to €149/head.
Lambs in the 44-46kg weight bracket generally sold from €133/head up to €140/head, with some pushing returns of €145/head.
Lambs weighing 38-42kg moved at prices ranging from €114/head up to €130/head. The lightest store lambs on offer sold back to €90/head for lambs just over 32kg, and up to €105/head for 35kg lambs.
One row of cull ewes was presented for sale at Roscommon Mart, with heavy ewes scarce and throughput dominated by lighter ewes. Prices ranged from €30/head up to €120/head here.