Over €1.1 million has been issued in outstanding scheme payments by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) this week.

Latest scheme payment data published by the DAFM today (Friday, August 23), show that €422,431 was issued under the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS 3) this week.

Total TAMS 3 payments issued to date now exceed €10.4 million. Data show that 16,623 approvals have been issued, with 2,503 payment applications submitted of which 1,160 payments have been made.

TAMS 2 payments worth €245,903 were also issued, which brings the total amount paid out to farmers to over €459 million. To date, 37,639 payment applications have been submitted, with 37,288 payments made.

Scheme payments

Outstanding 2023 Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS) and Complimentary Redistributive Income Support for Sustainability (CRISS) payments worth €92,764 were also issued this week.

A further €266,517 was paid out by the DAFM this week under the 2023 Eco Scheme. Weekly scheme payment data show that a total of 121,320 farmers have now received total payments worth over €311 million.

Livestock who are part of the Organic Farming Scheme

Farmers who participated in the 2023 Areas of Natural Constraint (ANC) and Areas of Specific Constraint (ASC) schemes received a total of €14,578 this week. To date, 99,728 farmers have been paid over €249 million.

The DAFM also issued outstanding 2023 Organic Farming Scheme (OFS) payments worth €45,725 this week, which brings the total issued to 3,915 farmers under last year’s scheme to €47.8 million.

Latest scheme payment data also show that €14,909 was paid out to farmers who participated in the 2023 Fodder Support Scheme. This brings the total payments issued to 70,732 farmers to over €52 million.