The inaugural South of Ireland Lanark Sheep Breeders’ ram sale took place at Roscommon Mart on Saturday (October 1), and had 200 rams catalogued.

The group, which was formed earlier this year, brought together top Lanark ram breeders from all corners of Ireland. The sale in turn, saw customers come from all over.

The pre-sale show was judged by John Harkin from Loughash, Co. Tyrone, one of the top breeders within the breed.

Champion from Billy Grant and reserve champion from Gerry Rice. Image source: Swarber Photography

First in the hogget ram class was Billy Grant Cloughfin Blackfaces from Co. Donegal. He went on to sell for €900.

In the ram lamb section, the winner and overall champion was also Billy Grant, with a ram lamb full of top bloodlines, by the 11k Fullerton and a 24k Crossflatt dam, that later sold for the top price on the day of €4,100.

The reserve champion was from a pen of lambs from Gerry, Millie and Jenna Rice from Co. Louth.

This lamb went on to sell for €900; Rice’s pen also saw €1,420 for the fourth-place lamb.

Fourth prize lamb from the Rice’s sold for €1,420. Image: Swarber Photography

The sale saw some peaks and troughs in prices with plenty of value and top prices for good breeding-type stock.

Price ranges on the day:

  • Ram lambs from €200 up to €4,100;
  • Hogget rams from €300 up to €1,250.

The top-priced hogget ram came from Charlie Gallagher from Co. Donegal who had a great strong pen of rams on the day.

Top-priced shearling ram bred by Charlie Gallagher. Image source: Swarber Photography

The ram went on to sell for €1,250 and was second prize in the pre-sale show. First prize in the aged ram went to Mark McGeown.

The group, which is in its first year, wished to thank all underbidders and those that purchased stock on the day. It also wished those who purchased stock the best of luck and thanked the mart, its staff and the judge.