The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has urged farmers to consider risks before undertaking work on their farm.

The appeal comes as figures published today (Friday, January 5) by the HSA show that farming remains one of the most dangerous occupations in Ireland.

The data shows that farming and construction sectors accounted for over two thirds of the 43 work-related fatalities in 2023.

The agriculture, forestry and fishing sector recorded 20 fatalities last year, with 16 deaths related to farming.

The construction sector had the second highest fatalities reported in 2023, with 11 reported work-related fatalities.


The HSA noted that working with vehicles and falling from height were the leading causes of work-related deaths in 2023.

The self employed accounted for 53% of the fatalities, while just over half of those who died were aged over 55.

Of the 43 work-related fatalities in 2023, 39 were male and four were female.

Cork had the highest records of fatalities at 7, followed by Dublin and Kerry with 5 fatalities each.

Minister Heydon on farm safety. Cavan gardaí farm HSA

Commenting on the data, Mark Cullen, assistant chief executive, HSA said: “Although we welcome the decrease in work-related fatalities rates in the last ten years from the rate of 2.8 per 100,000 in 2014 to 1.6 in 2023, we still see a continued high level of fatalities in certain sectors.

“Farming, a high-risk sector, continues to account for the highest number of fatalities (37%) with over half of victims aged 65 and over.”

As many farmers are self-employed and often work alone, Cullen said there is “a clear need” for them to consider the work they plan on carrying out themselves, and where they may need help from qualified and trained workers.

He added that appropriate risk assessments should be completed in advance of the work being carried out and that the appropriate preventative measures are in place to ensure those carrying out the work can do so safely.

The HSA recently published its Programme of Work for 2024 which will focus on particular work activities and workplaces through a range of proactive inspections and targeted campaigns this year, including in the “high-risk sectors” such as agriculture and construction.

The Programme of Work also highlights key areas of focus in relation to changing workforce demographics and technological and environmental impacts on Irish workers.