This weeks factory quotes have seen beef prices continue to move in a positive direction with further price increases seen for all types of cattle.

With just two full weeks and one three-day week remaining this year, 2023 is expected to draw to a close on a positive note for beef price.

While prime cattle supplies have been in decline in recent weeks, weekly supplies of heifers and steers are remaining higher than the equivalent weeks of 2022.

Factory quotes: Heifers and steers

Heifers are being quoted at €4.90-€4.95/kg on the grid in general this week, with top-prices of €5.05/kg on the grid available for choice lots of heifers at some sites.

Steers are being quoted at €4.85-€4.90/kg on the grid in general with top-price quotes of €5.00/kg on the grid for in-spec 300-400kg carcass weight steers.

Angus and Hereford bonuses remain available on all eligible cattle, and are generally ranging from 10-20c/kg.

Cow price

Cow price has increased again this week with continued variation between sites.

Farmers who wish to view the variation in cow prices from previous weeks on a factory-by-factory basis can do so by clicking here.

Cow supplies have been remaining high over the past number of weeks and the total cow kill this year is now over 380,000 head.

U grade cows are being quoted at prices ranging from €4.30-€4.50/kg generally speaking. R grade cows are being quoted at prices ranging from €4.20-€4.40/kg.

O grade cows are being quoted at €4.00-€4.15/kg and P grade cows are being quoted at €3.90-€4.05/kg, generally speaking.

The above cow price quotes are for cows with a carcass weight above 270kg, and a fat score of 2+ or above. More money is being secured for cows in certain cases.


Under-24-month bulls are being quoted at prices ranging from €5.00-€5.20/kg for U grades with €4.90-€5.10/kg being quoted for R grades.

O grade bulls are being quoted at €4.70-€4.90/kg and P-grades are being quoted at €4.60-€4.70/kg.

Under-16-month bulls are being quoted at €4.85/kg on the grid.