Leading experts from across Europe have arrived in Ireland this week to discuss new approaches to sustainable forest management and conservation.
Pro Silva Ireland is an all-Ireland organisation dedicated to promoting Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) and is part of the broader Pro Silva international network.
Pro Silva Ireland is hosting the 2023 annual meeting of Pro Silva in Co. Wicklow from today (Wednesday, June 14) until Friday (June 16) supported by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
The conference will focus on the theme of transforming forests and forest cultures in a changing world, highlighting the multiple benefits of CCF for timber production, biodiversity, climate adaptation, recreation and the provision of ecosystem services.
Wicklow conference
A range of forest types in Co. Wicklow will be visited as part of the conference, including native woodlands in Wicklow Mountains National Park, a young Sitka spruce plantation undergoing
transformation to a more diverse forest type, and mixed conifer forests that have been managed through CCF for nearly 20 years.
Ticknock Forest in Co. Dublin, a popular amenity which is being transformed to enhance its value for recreation and biodiversity, will also be visited.
The conference will also feature a debate on new forestry approaches that serve industry, environment, and people equally.
Liam Byrne, chairperson, Pro Silva Ireland explained: “There is now a clear demand for an integrated approach to forest management that delivers for industry, the environment and people, equally.
“Continuous cover forestry is the best way of balancing multiple values but it is critical we develop new policies, practices and skills. This is a challenge we are all facing across Europe.
“This important conference is a unique opportunity for us in Ireland to promote a new cultural relationship with our forests,” he added.
Presentations by researchers, foresters and ecologists from University College Dublin (UCD), Teagasc, Coillte, the Dublin Mountain Partnership and the private sector will highlight current projects in close-to-nature forestry taking place in Ireland.
Forest management
According to Pro Silva, we are at a crucial point in the evolution of sustainable forest management in Europe.
The organisation has said that forests are being subjected to multiple threats and challenges from the changing climate, the biodiversity crisis, increasing pests and diseases, lack of forest governance, forest abandonment and urban expansion.
Eckart Senitza, chairman of Pro Silva said: “As the primary knowledge exchange hub for close-to-nature forest management, Pro Silva is now a key stakeholder in the development of forest policy in Europe, regularly working with the European Forest Institute, Forest Europe and the European Commission to help guide research, training and best practice in irregular silviculture.”
CCF, or close-to-nature forest management, aims to retain a permanent forest cover while harvesting timber through regular thinning interventions, therefore protecting forest soils, water and biodiversity.
CCF is both ecologically and economically sustainable, and creates beautiful forests for people to enjoy, according to Pro Silva.
Pro Silva
Pro Silva Ireland is a registered charity with almost 200 members, made up of foresters, landowners, ecologists and other interested individuals.
The organisation regularly runs field days and training events for those interested in learning more about close to nature forestry practices.
Pro Silva is a European organisation which promotes close-to-nature forestry and continuous cover forest systems. It was established in 1989 in Slovenia.
At present there are 22 full members of the organisation and there are also several other countries with associate membership. More than 6,100 professionals and forest owners are involved in Pro Silva.