Irish Water has issued a ‘do not drink’ notice to locals in parts of south Co. Tipperary following kerosene contamination of a water source in the Fethard region. This warning will also apply to animals, the Department of Agriculture has confirmed.
In a statement issued to residents, Irish Water said: “Due to hydrocarbon contamination of the source supplying the Fethard PWS (Public Water Supply), drinking water quality entering the network has been affected.
“As a result – and following consultation with the Health Service Executive – Irish Water and Tipperary County Council are issuing a do not drink notice with immediate effect to protect the health of consumers.”
The HSE has advised that kerosene is generally detected by smell and/or taste before it reaches a level which might affect health. This notice applies to all consumers supplied by the Fethard PWS.
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has also commented on the situation, stating: “Clearly, in exercising appropriate caution in providing water to livestock, supplies which have been subject to possible kerosene contamination should be deemed unsuitable for animal – as well as human – consumption.
Potentially contaminated supplies should also not be used in the cleaning of any equipment relating to production of food for human consumption or feed for animals
As the water supply will be shut off from March 5 until March 16, alternative water supplies have been put in place for affected users, Irish Water confirmed.