Making best use of grass is the core driver for Co. Down sheep producer Colum Woods, who runs a flock of Lleyn-cross Blackface ewes.

The Hilltown man farms with his father Paddy. A mix of New Zealand Texel, Suffolk and Belclaren rams are used on the flock allowing Colum to produce a mix of replacements, store and finished lambs that are needed to maintain the business.

“The rams go in at the beginning of November, which primes the flock for a lambing date around the beginning of April,” Colum explained.

“We have, traditionally, followed a policy of lambing the ewes in April. This is feasible given the milder weather and the fact that there is plenty of grass on the farm at that time of the year.

“The farm has been set up to ensure that the sheep can secure the highest possible levels of performance from grazed grass.

“Lambs for sale are sent for slaughter or put into the sale ring as stores,” he added.

Colum explained that he is very mindful of the need to feed ewes in a supplementary way in the run-up to breeding and lambing.

As part of this programme he traditionally puts Crystalyx Extra High Energy sheep buckets out with the ewes.

“They represent a valuable source of additional energy, but they also allow the sheep to make best use of the grass that is available to them throughout the year,” he said.

Colum Woods with David Morgan of Caltech Crystalyx

David Morgan, from Caltech Crystalyx, was a recent visitor to the Woods’ farm. He explained that Crystalyx Extra High Energy is a feed tub that can be used all year round to provide supplementation for ewes, rams and lambs.

“The tubs are high in protein, energy and with a full complement of minerals, trace elements and vitamins,” he said.

“Extra High Energy buckets and forage can be all that’s required to operate a highly effective and profitable sheep rearing system.

“Loss of condition in ewes while pregnant will jeopardise placental development and reduce body reserves available for milk production,” he added.


Trials conducted at Newcastle University have found that ewes with access to Crystalyx Extra High Energy buckets maintained better condition than ewes on forage alone.

In addition, their lambs subsequently had a 5% higher growth rate.

The Crystalyx representative also confirmed that demand has risen in recent years.

“This is due to the consistent level of performance secured from the tubs,” David continued.

“They add real value to the nutrient intakes secured by sheep of all ages and at all stages across the production cycle.”

Significantly, the Crystalyx Extra High Energy buckets are eligible for the Sheep Improvement Scheme.

Independent trial work has shown that Crystalyx increases the rate of forage digestion by rumen bacteria (by up to 10%).

In turn, this stimulates forage intakes due to a reduced gut fill effect, increasing grass intake rather than replacing it.

He further explained: “Crystalyx also increases forage digestibility so animals actually get more energy out of what they eat. These benefits continue throughout the grazing season, as long as forage supplies remain plentiful.

“The Extra High Energy buckets provide all the minerals, trace elements and vitamins needed to balance grass, which is essential for optimum animal performance and health.

“The rumen bugs also need minerals to help them digest the grass and the ‘little and often’ trickle feeding system supplied by Crystalyx is an ideal method of ensuring this.”

Crystalyx also provides a concentrated source of sugar, which is important to help maintain rumen digestive efficiency. All of this can be achieved for as little as 5c/ewe/day.

David also confirmed that Extra High Energy buckets can be used year round, adding: “There is plenty of grass available on farms around the country at the present time.

“But given the poor ground conditions, breeding sheep will be best placed to make best use of this valuable resource.

“Flock owners can use the Extra High Energy buckets prior to breeding, in the run up to lambing and, again, after the ewes have gone out to the fields with their newborn lambs.”

He explained that it is all about improving performance from grazed grass.

Preparing for the breeding season in Co. Down

Meanwhile, Colum Woods is preparing for the breeding season ahead. His rams will go in with the ewes over the coming weeks.

He is unique in having sheep as the only enterprise within the farm business.

“Sheep are totally suited to grass-based production systems,” he commented.

“Here in Ireland we can secure tremendous levels of production from both ewes and lambs without the need for heavy concentrate feeding levels.

“As a result, sheep are suited to almost every farm in the country. I would particularly encourage young people to consider starting some form of sheep enterprise,” he added.

“The ewes are in excellent condition at the present time. But it’s important to maintain their body condition levels over the coming weeks,” he added.

Autumn grass can be low in energy and other nutrients. This is why Colum puts the Crystalyx Extra High Energy blocks out with the flocks at this time of the year.

“This is not an insurance policy, it’s an integral part of the overall flock management programme,” he explained.

“My business centres on the number of lambs brought to market each year. So it’s vitally important for ewes to maximise fertility levels at time of conception and to maintain this percentage figure right through to birth.

“The Extra High Energy blocks play a critically important role in this regard.”

For more information on Crystalyx Extra High Energy buckets click here.