A number of far-reaching recommendations have been made by the nitrates expert group in a report today, Wednesday, July 24, following a review of the nitrates derogation.
The recommendations have been proposed for all farmers availing of the derogation for a stocking rate above 170kg N/ha in the coming years.
Focusing on improving environmental efficiency in 2020, the suggested measures impact on: crude protein in concentrate feeds; grass reseeding; and grassland management, the latter mooted for 2020 or 2021.
It was also noted that Ireland is a predominately livestock country with 81% of the agricultural area devoted to grassland.
Grassland and its productivity are central to Irish livestock systems.
- Record through appropriate software technology the grass produced annually on the farm. This grassland management decision support tool enables the advancement of the decision-making process through regular pasture measuring and budgeting on farm, improving nutrient use efficiency, grass production and utilisation; or
- Undertake certified grassland measurement training.
In addition, the group advised that all new grass reseeding completed by derogation farmers must include minimum clover content as part of the grass seed mixture; however, the inclusion rate must not exceed 50% of the sward mixture.