Calving season is well underway across the country, and reports suggest that numbers for the calf trade are down on previous years.
Although numbers may have reduced, there is still a strong trade – especially for stronger, continental calves.
To get an insight into the trade, Agriland spoke with two mart representatives.
Calf trade
Carrigallen Mart held it’s calf sale on Saturday, February 17, with over 130 calves and runners on offer at the Co. Leitrim-based mart.
A strong trade was seen for all types, but significant prices were paid for a number of Belgian Blue cross calves.
Hereford and Angus cross calves sold from €85, while Angus-cross heifers sold for up to €385.
Sample prices for Hereford and Angus calves:
- Hereford cross bull calf sold for €385;
- Angus cross bull sold for €155;
- Angus cross heifer sold for €200;
- Hereford cross heifer sold for €190.
The prices for continental calves reached €850 for a Belgian Blue heifer out of a Montbeliarde dam; with other Belgian Blues making €830 and €710.
Sample prices continental calves:
- Belgian Blue cross bull sold for €450;
- Limousin cross bull sold for €220;
- Belgian Blue cross bull sold for €230.
The price being paid for Friesian bull calves varied with a top price of €170, but the majority sold for between €5 to €50.
There was also a good number of runners presented for sale in the mart, with prices reaching €770 for a Limousin cross heifer runner.
Sample prices for runners:
- Hereford cross heifer sold for €720;
- Angus cross bull sold for €690;
- Friesian bull sold for €300.
Carnew Mart held it’s calf sale on Friday, February 16, with 350 calves on offer at the Co. Wicklow-based mart.
Speaking to Agriland, Eugene Clune from Carnew Mart said that it was a very ‘”solid and lively trade for calves”.
He noted a strong exporter presence at the mart, looking to purchase calves suitable for shipping and farmers very keen on the continental and beef-type breeds.
Clune said that numbers are back on last year, but that the calves presenting for sale are stronger and in very good condition.
The Hereford and Angus cross calves sold from €90 to €220 – with the majority of the calves selling for between €150 to €180.
Continental calves were in big demand, with month-old Belgian Blues calves easily passing for €400 – with one strong bull making over €500.
In general, continental calves sold between €320 to €400.
The Friesian bulls sold from €30 to a top call of €120. The shipping type calves sold from €30 to €80, while the stronger type Friesian sold for up to €120.