Minister for Rural and Community Development Heather Humphreys has today (Monday, August 30) announced 104 projects that will be supported under the CLÁR programme.
The CLÁR programme provides funding for small-scale infrastructural projects in rural areas that have suffered significant levels of population decline.
The €4.2 million allocated under Measures 1 and 2 of the 2021 programme will benefit schools, sports clubs, playgrounds and community organisations in rural towns and villages.
“The CLÁR programme 2021 puts our young people at the fore,” Minister Humphreys said.
“If the pandemic has taught us one thing, it’s that our young people are our shining lights.
“Investing in them is an investment in our future.”
The minister added that without investment, Ireland runs the risks of rural areas “falling into decline”.
CLÁR Measure 1 and 2
This year, Measure 1 of the programme will provide around €2 million for projects in 52 communities.
The projects will provide/improve safety infrastructure such as footpaths, public lighting, traffic calming measures and car parking facilities.
This measure will also support projects that help adapt the environs of schools and community facilities to help meet challenges arising from the pandemic.
Measure 2 funds outdoor community recreation facilities and this year funding of over €2 million will be provided in support of 52 projects across communities throughout the country.
Further announcements under the CLÁR programme will be made by Minister Humphreys in the coming weeks.