The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is looking to hire temporary veterinary inspectors (TVIs) for meat inspection services in individual department-approved meat plants.

The TVIs are being sought to work in various locations throughout the country.

The department engages these TVIs from the private veterinary sector to support department inspectors in the provision of meat inspection services at the approved plants.

The department is currently inviting applications for approval for engagement as TVIs.

Candidates must be veterinary practitioners registered with the Veterinary Council of Ireland (VCI).

They must also meet other requirements throughout the duration of their placement on the meat plant inspection panels as set out in the conditions of engagement.

Persons will be ineligible for the role if they have been permanently removed from the panels arising from concerns in respect of their conduct or performance.

An upper age limit of 70 years applies for new entrants to the panels.

The application process consists of several stages, and applicants will only be offered a position on the panel if they fulfil all requirements of all stages.

Applicants must complete the application form in full and submit it online by Friday, September 2.

Applicants may select up to four panels in their order of preference for which they wish to be considered.

Where more applications are received than are required for a particular meat plant panel, a lottery system will be applied. If an applicant is randomly selected for more than one panel then they will be placed on their preferred panel.

After that, a suitability assessment will be carried out, in which applicants will be required to furnish the department with a tax clearance certificate (or equivalent) and a medical certificate confirming the applicant’s ability to perform the required services in a meat plant environment.

Applicants will also be required to undergo unpaid training consisting of an online induction course and 30-hour on the job training at the meat plant.

The hourly fee payable for meat plant inspection services in €81.08. The department says it is not liable for any form of paid absence, and that all other entitlements including pensions, sick pay, disability, maternity or paternity benefits are solely available to them through through their social welfare contribution.