The View from Teagasc: Crops are very well established this year asĀ many crops are knee high with full groundĀ cover. Where weed control has not been carried
out, your options are limited once the weedsĀ are past the two-leaf stage.
In contrast to lastĀ year, crop competition should smother mostĀ broad-leaved weeds. However, grasses, cleavers,Ā thistles and so on, remain a serious threat. SalsaĀ works best in mild conditions and is effective onĀ Charlock, Runch, Cranesbill and some otherĀ difficult weeds.
Where volunteer cereals,Ā grasses, chickweed and speedwells are the mainĀ problem, propizamide (Kerb and so on) will do aĀ good job. Mayweeds and all the thistles can beĀ controlled with Shield. Graminicides (Aramo,Ā Fusilade and so on) will effectively control grassĀ weeds but watch latest timings of Aramo onĀ forward crops.
Canopy and disease management
Most crops are very leafy and tall. GenerallyĀ there is no need for specific autumn growthĀ regulators but assess crops for lodging risk.Ā Plant growth regulators (PGRs) will be moreĀ effective (against lodging) when applied inĀ the spring, so an autumn PGR will have toĀ be followed up with a spring PGR in mostĀ cases.
Modifying your spring nitrogenĀ strategy will do more to prevent lodgingĀ than an autumn-applied PGR. Autumn PGRsĀ primarily influence rooting and winter
hardiness and do not slow down internalĀ plant development.
Most rape crops will benefit from an autumnĀ fungicide. Phoma is common this year. ItĀ looks like Septoria in wheat (black pycnidiaĀ in a white lesion). On big leafy crops, youĀ only need to spray when 20 per cent of plantsĀ show visible symptoms.
The threshold isĀ 10 per cent on small crops. Light leaf spot isĀ difficult to see in the autumn. Put some rapeĀ leaves in a warm plastic bag and see ifĀ spores (small white salt grains) appear. SprayĀ if more than 25 per cent of leaves have symptoms.
See more details here.
0.6L/ha Prosaro (PGR effect)
0.4L/ha Proline
0.75L/ha Folicur (PGR effect)
0.75L/ha Caramba (PGR effect)
0.4L/ha Punch C
0.4L/ha Magnello (PGR effect)
Oil seed rape in flower in April. Photo O’Gorman Photography