Some early winter wheat crops may have received their final fungicide already, but the majority are due to receive T3 applications in the coming days.
The T3 application should be applied at early flowering and is mainly applied to give protection against fusarium. However, it will also add to septoria control at the top of the canopy.
The weather outlook for the middle and end of this week is for unsettled conditions and, as a result, the climate may be favourable for disease. Farmers should bear this in mind when deciding whether or not to apply a T3 fungicide to winter wheat crops.
Crop responses to T3 applications can be low in low disease pressure years. But, with wet weather on the way, a T3 application can limit risk.
Good control and protection can be achieved with a triazole or a triazole mix. Prosaro at a rate of 1.0-1.2L/ha is a good option for this timing, while Proline at 0.5-0.6L/ha may suffice where pressure is low.
Other options may include: Gleam; Caramba; Folicur; and Magnello, among others. Amistar Opti or Perseo (azoxystrobin + chlorothalonil) may also be an option on low-pressure sites.
In general, winter wheat crops look clean across the country. The recent sunshine and dry weather has kept pressure to a minimum and sunshine at this time of the year should help to increase crop yield.