The new Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS) II has a significant budget over the next five years of €395m.

TAMS II aims to provide farmers with grant aid to improve and/or build a specific range of farm buildings or purchase equipment that may benefit their farm businesses.

It offers grant aid of 40% for certain on-farm capital investments (60% to ‘Young Farmers’).

Farmers considering entering TAMS II need to make an investment of at least €2,000 to be eligible for grant aid under this scheme.

scales 2

According to the Department of Agriculture, grant aid will only be paid on approved, completed and eligible expenditure.

There is an array of cattle handling equipment that is eligible for grant aid:

Animal Handling Facilities

Tams Cattle Equipment Grants

Applications for TAMS II must be made online as manual applications by post, fax and email will not be accepted.

Farmers considering applying for this scheme will require access to the Department’s online services prior to applying for any of the schemes available under TAMS II. Applications can be made on

Also Read: More information on TAMS II
Also Read: 5 farm building grants every farmer should know about