The most recent figures for the number of sheep slaughtered in 2023 to date have shown that the supply of spring lambs is currently behind by 76,214 head, or 6% less than the number killed up to the same period in 2022.
Figures from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) show that 59,714 sheep were processed last week (week ending Sunday, November 26), which is a small increase of 467 head from the week prior.
There was a significantly higher number of lambs/hoggets slaughtered last week, a total of 1,996 which is a 308% increase of the amount that were killed in the same week in 2022.
The table below gives an overview of the sheep kill for the week ending Sunday, November 26, (week 47) and the cumulative kill to date this year compared to the same time period of 2022.
Type 2023
week 472023 cumulative 2022 weekly 2022 cumulative Weekly
differenceCumulative difference 23 vs. 22 % weekly difference 23 vs. 22 % cumulative difference Lambs/hoggets 1,996 986,437 489 904,735 1,507 81,702 308% 9% Spring lambs 51,469 1,301,182 46,299 1,377,396 5,170 -76,214 11% -6% Ewes and rams 6,249 305,970 6,749 354,573 -500 -48,603 -7% -14% Light lambs 0 149 6 147 -6 2 -100% 1% Total 59,714 2,593,738 53,543 2,636,851 6,171 -43,113 12% -2%
Taking a look at this year’s throughput figures to date, 2,593,738 have been processed so far.
Of that figure, 986,437 have been hoggets, 1,301,182 were spring lambs, with the rest made up of ewes and rams (305,970) and a small portion of light lambs (149 head).
As the table above indicates, the sheep kill in week 47 was 59,714 head, an increase of 6,171 head or -2% from the same week of last year.
In week 47, there were 51,469 spring lambs slaughtered, and a total of 1,301,182 in 2023 so far.
The cumulative supply of ewes and rams is behind by over 48,603 head or 14% on last year.
This week in the sheep trade, prices for spring lambs dropped by 10c/kg since last week from sheep processing factories.
The Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers’ Association (ICSA) sheep chair, Sean McNamara, said the prices for spring lamb in the sheep trade this week have been “pulled”.
“Anyone with good, fit lambs, head to the mart,” he added, as spring lamb prices there are continuing to be more favourable for farmers.