A senior Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) member has told Agriland that a number of prominent members of the organisation have been receiving anonymous, text-based, threatening messages over the last eight to 10 weeks.

The IFA national officer, who declined to be named and who is also a target of the threats, described some of the content of the messages, which comprised derogatory comments, as well as threats to livelihood, wellbeing, and even family members.

One such message read, “RIP” while another threatened, “We know where your milk tank is, how would round-up work in it?”

The text-messages initially targeted two prominent members of the IFA, before moving onto a national-level representative.

“This is someone with a grudge against the IFA, and it is personal against people too – who are volunteers for the IFA,” the national officer told Agriland.

When asked if the threats were a worry, they said: “Not really. You can’t let them rule your life.”

They added that there are far more pressing concerns for the IFA and farmers at the moment, but conceded that it was uncomfortable to be receiving messages from someone who seems to know a lot about you and your life.

The Gardaí have been contacted on the matter, as has the IFA, and both are doing what they can, the IFA representative said.

The messages have been sent from four different phone numbers, or contract-less burner phones, making them difficult to trace.

“If people have a problem, we would prefer that they would come and talk to us rather than having to get the guards involved, it would be better for everyone.

“The last thing we want is for anyone to get into trouble for this but they have gone beyond that point now, it is soul destroying how they are doing this.”