Agriland Media Group is delighted to announce the launch of a new series, in association with Bord Bia, on the Farm Sustainability Learning Hub.
The first article in the three-week series, which will go live this week, will introduce the Farm Sustainability Learning Hub to farmers in more detail.
In brief, the hub is a free tool to members of the Sustainable Assurance Schemes for beef, lamb, dairy, pigmeat and horticulture. It offers supports to to help farmers adopt farm sustainability measures through online training.
There are currently seven modules available in the hub:
- Greenhouse Gases (GHGs): Introduction;
- Greenhouses Gases (GHGs): The Teagasc MACC;
- Responsible Use of Antibiotics;
- Farmland biodiversity: Introduction;
- Energy efficiency in agriculture;
- Water quality;
- Soil health.
Each module includes a mixture of videos, interactive slides, and questions to test your learning.
As part of the Learning Hub Series, Agriland will publish articles detailing the topics and subject matters of each of these modules every Tuesday and Friday from today (Tuesday, May 9) to Friday, May 26.
Farm Sustainability Learning Hub
To get started on the learning hub, farmers need only visit and click on Farm Sustainability Learning Hub.
After this it will require a herd number and a pin number, received at last audit. From here, farmers can enroll and participate.
Keep an eye on Agriland for the Learning Hub Series, which kicks off this week.