Farmers in Northern Ireland who will be dipping their sheep this autumn will need to have a Certificate of Competence in the Safe Use of Sheep Dips, according to Colin Alexander, Short Course Manager for the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (CAFRE).

All farmers who intend to purchase sheep dip are now required to have the Safe Use of Sheep Dips certificate.

This is due to legislation which requires that at least one member of those involved in the dipping operation hold a certificate, Alexander warned.

The manager added that farmers can complete the Safe Use of Sheep Dip certificate through the sheep dipping course at CAFRE.

The first course is scheduled for Greenmount Campus – the course will include a thorough explanation of the regulations in place and a short online test to ensure each applicant is fully aware of the rules.

This is followed up by a short test involving the personal protective equipment (PPE) that must be worn during the dipping operation, Alexander added.

The course focuses on ensuring that farmers keep themselves, others and the environment safe from the chemicals used in the dipping procedure.

The training also covers topics such as: which dip products can be used; key knowledge of the parasites to be controlled; what makes a good sheep dipper design; and looking after one’s sheep at dipping.

For those interested in booking a place on the CAFRE Safe Use of Sheep Dips course, further information is available on CAFRE’s website.