A number of young leaders in rural Ireland were recognised by Macra Agricultural Skillnet at the 2019 ABP Leaders of the Year Awards at Newman House in Dublin last night, Tuesday, November 12.
Annually, Macra na Feirme and ABP hand out awards to outstanding leaders within the Macra organisation. In order to be eligible for a Leadership Award, the member must be a county officer in the organisation.
This year’s finalists included: Aoire Keane, Kinsalebeg Macra, Waterford; Amanda Monahan, Ramor Macra, Cavan; Pauric Lucid, Causeway Macra, Kerry; Roisin Lynch, Ramor Macra, Cavan; Úna Ryan, Dundrum Macra, south Tipperary; and Alan Twomey, Donoughmore Macra, Muskerry, Cork.
- Úna Ryan, Dundrum Macra;
- Pauric Lucid, Causeway Macra; and
- Roisin Lynch, Ramor Macra.
According to the young farmers and rural youth organisation, contestants are selected out of the recipients of the President’s County Leadership Award winners and go forward to the national competition.
The effects of leadership shown in increased membership, continuous and top-class programmes, and innovation in club and county activity are a major consideration in judging.
Commenting at the ceremony, Macra na Feirme national president Thomas Duffy said: “The challenges of leadership in the modern era can only be faced by well-prepared, enthusiastic and committed individuals.
The finalists here today demonstrate those traits in abundance and display the best of what Macra has to offer in terms of their leadership in their communities.
“We are delighted to present these awards in Newman House, site of one of the first meetings which led to the founding of Macra na Feirme in 1944.”
Also on hand for the event was Minister of Justice and Equality Charlie Flanagan and Noreen Walsh, ABP retail account manager.
Walsh added: “ABP is delighted to be associated with the Macra na Feirme National Leadership Awards and promote young leaders as they continue to make significant contributions in their communities.
“It is inspiring to see the enthusiasm and commitment that these young people display for Macra na Feirme and their rural communities,” the manager added.