In a move that mirrors that of the company’s decision to deal directly with the Irish market in 2017, Pottinger has created its own sales and distribution company in the Netherlands to handle its product.

However, the move has been met with less rancour than was the response in Ireland, indeed, in a statement released by Pottinger, the company notes that “this strategic decision was preceded by intensive discussions due to changes in the general business conditions.

“The negotiations have led to the mutually agreed result that the cooperation with Duport will be terminated in its current form.”

Started in 1977, Duport specialises in what it describes as ‘fertilisation technology’, manufacturing a range of blown and pumped slurry tankers, as well as liquid fertiliser injectors that place the solution beneath the soil surface via a spiked wheel.

Duport Liquiliser
The Duport liquiliser uses spiked wheels to penetrate the soil surface and place the fertiliser solution at root level

Through its German subsidiary, Guest Strower, which it purchased in 2018, Duport also sells trailed precision spreaders and chaser wagons.

In addition, it holds franchises for Lindner Tractors and the the Italian matrix feeder wagon range.

Pottinger has made no secret of the fact it intends to grow by focussing its manufacturing efforts on grassland and tillage machinery, and it has determinedly pursued this goal though the continuous development of its present range and the introduction of new products.

Pottinger looks for focus

However, making the equipment is just one part of the campaign – promoting, selling and supporting it once on the farm, is equally, if not more important, and so Pottinger’s senior management will need to be reassured that any agent is as committed to the brand, as Pottinger itself is.

Pottinger rotary rake
The increasing complexity of machines requires a greater specialisation from dealers and importers

There is no suggestion from either side that Duport has in any way failed to promote the equipment, and Pottinger indicates that the Dutch company has achieved a high market share, and notes that the collaboration has been successful.

Yet, it has been made known to Agriland that, as its machinery becomes more complex, Pottinger believes that there will be the need for greater specialisation if the best is to be got from the range, and it is likely that this move is best viewed in that context.

It is intended that the new arrangement will up and running within a few months.