Industry experts will share their insights during a series of farming health and safety webinars which begin this week.
The webinars will be hosted by SafeHabitus, a Horizon Europe project led and managed by Teagasc.
It aims to strengthen Farm Health and Safety Knowledge Innovation Systems (FHS KIS) and support the EU transition to social sustainability in European agriculture.
The topics discussed during the webinars will include stress on the farm; EU farm injury data and the safety of children on farms.
Each online webinar will have a moderated question and answer session and all are free of charge to attend.
The full schedule of webinars, which will all take place from 2:00p.m until 3:30p.m, is as follows:
- Tuesday, September 3: Occupational stress in farming;
- Monday, September 9: Understanding the number of injuries in EU agriculture;
- Wednesday, September 11: Keeping children safe on farms.
Teagasc project leader, Dr David Meredith said that SafeHabitus brings together farmers, farming organisations, farm advisors, researchers, trade unions, health authorities, policy stakeholders, and other relevant actors from across Europe to tackle the urgent occupational health and safety challenges faced by farmers and farm workers.
As the project is now approaching the half-way stage of its four year timeframe, Dr Meredith said that now is an appropriate time to hold the webinar series and exchange valuable information with interested parties across Europe.
Safe Habitus farm safety task leader, Dr. John McNamara said that each webinar will have one or more Irish contributors.
Dr. Diana van Doorn will feature on the farmer stress webinar; Dr Meredith and Dr. McNamara will appear on the farm injuries webinar; and Alma Jordan, from Agrikids, will feature on the keeping children safe on farms webinar.
Speakers from across Europe and USA will also present new knowledge from SafeHabitus findings and insights from their respective countries at each webinar.
Those wishing to attend the webinars can register on the SafeHabitus website.