Wild oats and other grass weeds like canary and rye grass need to be kept under control in cereal ground.

To ensure that this happens herbicide rates need to be appropriate. Robust rates also help to slow down the development of resistance to herbicides.

Now in its second year it’s important to remember that Axial Pro – which is used to control wild oats – now contains less active ingredient (pinoxaden) per litre than its predecessor Axial and is pre-mixed with an adjuvant, so in most cases an adjuvant does not need to be added.

As a result of these changes it’s important to remember that it has to be applied at higher rates compared to the old formulation.

Wild oat control

To control wild oats a rate of 0.4-0.82L/ha can be used. The low rate of 0.4L/ha should only be used on small weeds (GS11 to GS29). Where that low rate of 0.4L/ha is being used Adigor should be added at 0.5% of the spray volume.

A rate of 0.6L/ha should be used on spring crops between GS30 and GS39. If wild oats have overwintered (>GS30) a rate of 0.82L/ha should be used up to GS39.

Rye grass control

In order to control rye grass the rate should be 0.6L/ha from GS11 to GS22. Once GS22 has passed then a rate of 0.82L/ha should be used up to GS39.

Other grass weed control

While Axial Pro doesn’t carry a label for the following grasses it has been shown to give control at a rate of 0.82L/ha.

These grasses include:
  • Awned canary grass;
  • Loose silky bent;
  • Rough stalked meadow-grass;
  • Onion couch.

Mixing and sequences

Wild oat herbicides like Axial Pro should never be mixed with hormonal herbicides like CMPP or MCPA. However, products such as clopyralid and fluroxypr can be mixed with Axial Pro and allow for some broad-leaved weed control to take place at the same time.

Where sulphonyl urea herbicides are mixed in the tank Axial Pro should be applied at full rates – 0.6L/ha (wild oats) and 0.82L/ha (rye grass).

Axial Pro should not be applied in the 21 days following the application of sulphonyl urea or hormonal herbicides.

In the event that Axial Pro is applied before other weed sprays then sulphonyl ureas or hormonal herbicides should not be applied until at least seven days after Axial Pro application.