Grass growth figures continue to show a positive trend, but has growth actually stalled once again on many farms?

Many of the farmers attending Moorepark earlier this week were met with rain and although not welcome on the day, it was very much needed in many areas.

Although grass growth is in a somewhat good position, rain is still needed in many areas to ensure that deficits are not seen again on farms. In some areas, even more rain is needed to correct soil moisture deficits.

Counties that would be known for having heavier-type land appear to have good growth rates, while farms on drier land appear to be struggling.

Grass growth

The latest figures from PastureBase Ireland show current growth rates of 57kg of dry matter (DM)/ha for Leinster, 56kg of DM/ha for Munster, 62kg of DM/ha for Connacht and 54kg of DM/ha for Ulster.

There are predicted growth rates of 69kg of DM/ha forecast for Leinster, 71kg of DM/ha for Munster, 71kg of DM/ha for Connacht and 70kg of DM/ha for Ulster.

However, if we look at the figures from last week, the growth rates and predicted growth rates are very similar.

Last week, PastureBase Ireland showed growth rates of 56kg of DM/ha for Leinster, 60kg of DM/ha for Munster, 61kg of DM/ha for Connacht and 62kg of DM/ha for Ulster.

Predicted growth rates last week were 71kg of DM/ha forecast for Leinster, 73kg of DM/ha for Munster, 77kg of DM/ha for Connacht and 73kg of DM/ha for Ulster.

Farm covers

Based on these figures, growth rates remained the same in many areas, and some areas actually saw a slight decrease.

Speaking to farmers this week, many said that rain is still needed to ensure that grass does not become tight once again.

We are moving through the year and grass will naturally start to tail off as we move into the coming months.

In just over a month’s time farms will be starting to build average farm covers ahead of autumn grazing. With that being the case, it may be time to start looking at removing some of the culls from the milking herd now to allow the building of covers to be easier.

Decreasing the stocking rate on the milking platform is going to be the easiest way to build average farm cover.