This week’s factory quotes for prime cattle have remained steady, with little to no movement seen in prices.
Cow quotes have moved up 5c/kg at a few outlets but are still failing to reflect the prices actually being achieved for cows at most factories.
Some factory procurement staff have told Agriland that the beef trade seems to have “found its balance” and said that while anything could happen, they expect prime cattle price to remain relatively steady until St. Patrick’s Day (March 17) when further upward pressure will likely come on prime cattle price.
Heifer and bullock factory quotes
Bullocks (steers) are being quoted at prices ranging from €5.20-5.25/kg on the grid at most outlets this week.
Heifers are being quoted at prices ranging from €5.25-5.30/kg on the grid, with most outlets having to pay the higher of the two prices to secure steers and heifers.
A 10c/kg weight bonus on offer at one Co. Donegal-based outlet for suitable heifers and steers with a carcass weight between 300-400kg is leaving €5.30/kg on offer for steers and €5.35/kg for heifers.
Cow quotes
Despite quotes strengthening this week, factory quotes for cows remain well below what is actually being paid at factories for finished cows.
Figures from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), available on Agriland, show in the week ending Sunday, February 5, the average price paid for a U=3=-grade cow was €5.16/kg.
The average price paid at DAFM-approved factories for an R=3=-grade cow during that week was €5.10/kg.
Cows grading an O=3= were paid at an average price of €4.74/kg and P=3=-grade cows made an average price of €4.55/kg at DAFM-approved price-reporting factories.
As the trade has not fallen for cows, these prices and above likely still remain available at most strong cow-buying outlets.
This week, factory procurement staff are quoting €4.60/kg for P-grade cows, €4.70/kg for O-grade cows, €4.90/kg for R-grade cows, and €5.00/kg for U-grade cows.
The mart trade remains very positive for all types of cows and farmers that are unhappy with the factory price on offer for cows, should try the mart.
Bull price
Under-24-month bulls are being quoted at flat prices of €5.40/kg and €5.30/kg for U- and R-grade bulls respectively. Flat prices of €5.10/kg and €5.00/kg are on offer for O- and P-grade bulls respectively under-24-months-of-age this week.
Under-16-month bulls are being quoted at €5.20-5.25/kg on the grid this week.