Most dairy farms have now started their final grazing rotation of the year, as they prepare for their farm and stock winter housing.

The recent weather experienced in western counties might mean that cows will have to be housed earlier than most farmers would have liked.

Winter housing

To ensure the housing period is a success, here are some supplies that you may require:


The majority of dairy cows will spend the winter months in cubicles, which carry some risk.

Cubicles can be a source of mastitis-causing bacteria, if not properly managed.

Lime is an effective product to control bacteria on the cubicles by increasing the pH of the cubicle bed surface, which suppresses bacterial growth.

The recommended level of hydrated lime per cubicle is 170g, twice daily. A tonne bag of hydrated lime will cost in the region of €216-225, depending on the supplier.

Dry cow tubes

The drying off of cows is fast approaching on farms. Although a cow in the ideal body condition score (BCS) might continue to milk into December, some cows will be dried off before that.

It is important to identify cows that require an antibiotic at drying off and which antibiotic is going to be most suitable.

If you are using selective dry cow therapy (SDCT) it is important you use a high-quality teat sealant.

You should order these tubes well in advance of drying off and also ensure that you have enough gloves and wipes.


The feeding of minerals should begin six to eight weeks pre-calving; inadequate mineral supplementation can lead to cow health issues and calf health issues.

For some cows, eight weeks pre-calving will be when they are dried off, so you should start feeding minerals straight away.

To ensure these minerals are present on the farm when required, it would be no harm to order some now.

Most likely when you go to order minerals everyone will be doing the same, so it is better to be ahead of the crowd and have your order done in plenty of time.


If you have been monitoring your heifer weight during the grazing season you may have identified some heifers that are behind target.

Grass quality at this time of the year is not as good as it was two to three months ago, so to help these heifers catch up, concentrates may be needed.

You should speak with your advisor and/or nutritionist to determine which concentrates will work best.

As you prepare for winter housing it is important to remember the famous Benjamin Franklin quote: ‘By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail‘.