The closing date for applications under an open call for a ‘locally led’ rewetting scheme has been extended by two weeks.
Pippa Hackett, the Minister of State with responsibility for land use and biodiversity, announced today that the closing date for applications of October 23 has been extended out to 5:00pm on November 6.
The open call for such a scheme was originally announced in August by the minister.
The call is aimed at drained peatlands in the midlands region and seeks proposals for development and implementation of a scheme to “target climate action on peatland under agricultural management”, according to Minister Hackett.
She added that such schemes are “community-based, have brought farmers together for common causes and have delivered real environmental gains across the country”.
“Payments are results based and are in recognition of environmental benefits that farmers provide for biodiversity and climate action,” the minister added.
The scheme will look for sustainable land management options for farms at catchment level which will meet some or all of the following objectives:
- Protect the carbon stock and restore sequestration associated with drained peatlands under agricultural management;
- Maximise other eco-system service co-benefits such as: protection of biodiversity; water quality; and water regulation;
- Build resilience to the impacts of climate change at catchment/landscape level.