A total of 5,793 farmers are still awaiting GLAS payments, the latest figures from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine show.
So far 31,057 farmers have received payments under the scheme, representing just over 84% of the total participants.
The Department has confirmed that it is currently working through the remaining cases and that payments are being issued on a weekly basis.
There are a few key issues which are holding up the majority of outstanding payments under both GLAS 1 and GLAS 2, it said.
- Declaration of incompatible parcel usage on the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) application for a chosen GLAS action.
- Changes in parcel boundaries on which a GLAS action is chosen, including splitting or merging of parcels.
- An applicant no longer claiming a parcel on their 2016 BPS.
- Incomplete documentation, such as incorrect information on Low-Emission Slurry Declaration.
- Incomplete interim Commonage Management Plans and incompatible data and parcel history on Department databases.
‘Farmers have lost confidence in Minister Creed’
Farmers have lost confidence in the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, over the delay in GLAS payments, according to the INHFA’s Vincent Roddy.
The delay in GLAS payments has left farmers frustrated, Roddy, who is the National Chair of the Irish Natura and Hill Farmers Association (INHFA), said.
The association is calling on Oireachtas members to pass a motion compelling Minister Creed to instruct his Department officials to make the 85% payment, of GLAS and AEOS monies, to any farmer that has yet to receive it.
“The non-payment of monies to over 6,000 farmers can no longer be tolerated and the time has come for our elected representatives to act on behalf of these farmers,” he said.