The trade for calves this year has started strong, with good numbers and prices being seen at Bandon Mart for this week’s calf sale.
Bandon Mart held its weekly calf sale on Monday (January 30), with 300 calves on offer at the west Cork mart.
Commenting on the trade at Monday’s sale, Sean Dennehy, Bandon Mart manager said: “It was a very brisk trade with a lot of customers looking for calves.
“We are expecting calf numbers to start building week-on-week from this week on.
“Calving has started on some farms in the last few weeks with a lot of farms expected to start this week.”
Dennehy noted that they are expecting over 1,000 calves/week at the mart by the third week of February.
Commenting further, he said: “There seems to be a positive vibe for the oncoming calf season with good signals from exporters around demand on the export markets.”
He also noted the very strong prices being experienced throughout the beef supply chain, all the way through from yearlings to finished cattle and cows.
Bandon Mart
Prices for the Friesian calves on offer at Bandon on Monday ranged from €40 for a 45kg calf to €205 for a 146kg calf.
Sample prices for Friesian calves:
- Two Friesian bulls weighing 146kg sold for €205 each;
- Ten Friesian bulls weighing 45kg sold for €40 each;
- Three Friesian bulls weighing 52kg sold for €60 each;
- Six Friesian bulls weighing 53kg sold for €60 each;
- Four Friesian bulls weighing 64kg sold for €80 each;
- Three Friesian bulls weighing 73kg sold for €105 each.
Prices for the Hereford and Angus-cross calves on offer ranged from €115 to a top price of €520.
Some sample prices from the Hereford and Angus cross bulls:
- Four Angus-cross bulls weighing 228kg made €520 each;
- Four Angus-cross bulls weighing 56kg made €200 each;
- Three Hereford-cross bulls weighing 57kg made €220 each;
- Two Hereford-cross bulls weighing 79kg made €290 each;
- Two Hereford-cross bulls weighing 69kg made €315 each;
- Two Angus-cross bulls weighing 93kg made €380 each.
Some sample prices for the Hereford and Angus-cross heifers:
- Five Hereford-cross heifers weighing 159kg made €400 each;
- Four Hereford-cross heifers weighing 60kg made €115 each;
- Angus-cross heifer weighing 64kg made €220.
Continental calves
Prices for continental calves reached €500 at the sale.
Sample prices from the Continental calves:
- Charolais-cross bull, weighing 179kg sold for €500;
- Five Charolais-cross bulls weighing 95kg sold for €450 each;
- Two Charolais-cross heifers weighing 82kg sold for €410 each.
Giving his final thoughts on the trade at Monday’s sale, Dennehy said: “We started weighing calves in Bandon last year and this has been hugely popular, especially to online buyers who have a lot of information on what’s in the ring when you couple the weight, appearance, age and the dam’s breed.
“In my opinion it’s as close as you’ll get to being in the ring. ln the coming weeks the calves that will be in most demand will be calves 50kg plus.
“Farmer buyers in particular will want the heavier calves mainly due to the price of milk replacer and we have seen this over the last couple of months.
“All signs are for a reasonably good calf season ahead.”