Potassium affects both yield and quality of grain - PDA
According to the Potash Development Association (PDA), potassium affects both the yield and quality of grain, as well as the...
According to the Potash Development Association (PDA), potassium affects both the yield and quality of grain, as well as the...
The reality of Harvest 2020 became clearer this week as more crops began to be harvested from areas badly affected...
Having a dairy hygiene programme in place is crucial, as when spring arrives, Irish dairy farmers are in the thick...
EU winter cereal and rapeseed yields were revised downwards by approximately 2% in this month’s crop monitoring report published by...
German grain production is at its lowest since 1993. The German Farmers’ Association (DBV) has estimated a 22% drop in...
Wet weather delayed harvesting last week, but combines were rolling again by the weekend when the main spring barley harvest...