The trade for hoggets has continued to rise on a weekly basis, with an increase of up to 30c/kg seen since last week.

While small numbers of spring lambs have been appearing in factories, farmers with factory fit hoggets are keeping a close eye on the rising prices.

A month ago, base quotes for hoggets ranged from €7.35/kg-7.50/kg, while quality assured (QA) hoggets ranged from €7.50/kg-7.60/kg.

This week, base quotes for hoggets are from €8.50/kg-8.60/kg, while QA hoggets are up to €8.70/kg.

But those farmers with spring lambs will be noting that a QA spring lamb this week could fetch them a price of up to €9.50/kg.

Spring lambs

Irish Country Meats (ICM) is quoting €9/kg plus a 20c/kg QA bonus for spring lambs up to 20.5kgs, a total of €9.20/kg.

James Smyth, the general manager of ICM told Agriland that last week, when prices for the first spring lambs opened, there were between two to three hundred slaughtered at the factory.

He said those were the expected numbers, as he explained it is anticipated that spring lamb numbers will “disappear” until the main crop start coming in.

Commenting that the condition of the first crop of spring lambs “wasn’t bad,” Smyth urged farmers that the factory is not seeking lambs below 18kgs, adding that farmers will “be disappointed with the net value” if they are bringing lambs in below this weight.

Other outlets are offering €9.35/kg plus a 15c/kg QA bonus, also up to 20.5kgs, a total of â‚¬9.50/kg for a spring lamb.

Hoggets and lambs

Kildare Chilling is quoting €8.60/kg, plus a 10c QA bonus up to 23kg for hoggets/lambs – a total of €8.70/kg, and a rise in price of 30c/kg since last week.

They are offering €5.00/kg for light hoggets/lambs under 15kg, or those that are grading from an O2 to P1.

ICM increased its hogget price by 30c/kg up to a base price of €8.50/kg, plus a 20c/kg QA bonus, which is a total of €8.70/kg.

Ewe prices

Kildare Chilling has offered €3.40/kg plus a 10c QA bonus for ewes from 23kg to 35kg, a total of €3.50/kg.

For ewes between 35kg to 43kg, Kildare Chilling has risen its prices by 10c/kg and has offered farmers €3.50/kg plus a 10c QA bonus, a total of €3.60/kg for a better type ewe.

Ewes under 23kg and rams weighing up to 43kg are both being quoted at €2.50/kg by Kildare Chilling.

ICM has risen its prices by 20c/kg and is currently offering €3.70/kg for heavy ewes, while other outlets are offering €3.60/kg plus a 10c QA bonus for a ewe up to 35kg, a total of €3.70/kg.