A new the tranche is set to open next month under the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS), according to the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA), following discussions with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine today (Thursday, October 8).

The discussions centred around the Farmer’s Charter of Rights earlier in the day.

In other schemes news, more than 28,000 farmers have applied for the Beef Finishers’ Payment (BFP), which closed for applications last month.

Commenting on beef schemes, IFA National Livestock Committee chairman Brendan Golden said that any issues with the Beef Data and Genomics Programme (BDGP) scheme must be resolved and payments to farmers must be paid without delay in December.

The department confirmed that 28,095 farmers have applied for the Covid-19 Beef Finisher Payment (BFP) equating to approximately €46 million, the IFA says.

Golden called on the department to include cattle slaughtered in Northern Ireland.

In relation to TAMS, the department apparently confirmed that Tranche 19 will close on Friday, October 30, and Tranche 20 will open on Monday, November 2.

IFA deputy president Brian Rushe stressed that there cannot be any delays in getting Tranche 17 approvals out to farmers to allow them to commence the work without delay.

Rushe also said that flexibility must be given to farmers to meet deadlines as the construction industry has had interruptions due to Covid-19.

The Department of Agriculture confirmed to the IFA that inspections are continuing in line with Covid-19 Health Service Executive (HSE) guidelines.

Inspectors will adhere to HSE protocol with regard to: social distancing; mask wearing; and posting the follow up paper work to the farmer, the association said.