Tullow mart’s weekly cattle sale was held on Friday last (February 23). The monthly weanling sale was also held in conjunction with the main sale. A large crowd gathered around the ring and the sale kicked off at 11:00am.
The mart’s Eric Driver noted that there was no great change in the prices achieved. He was happy to report that beef cattle continued to meet a demanding trade.
He also outlined that there was a lot of farmer customers for store cattle, while both exporters and farmers competed for bull weanlings.
Some 100 calves went under the hammer and a 100% clearance rate was achieved on the day. The trade was steady and, generally speaking, Friesian calves suited for export traded at €50-110/head.
Good-quality Friesian calves, aged three-to-four weeks, made €120-200/head. Hereford and Angus heifer calves also traded for €120-200/head, while bull lots sold up to €350/head.
A top price of €450 was achieved by a Limousin bull calf. Continental heifers and bulls sold in the region of €300-420/head. In addition, a number of Jersey cross calves were presented for sale and these lots sold from €10/head and up.
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In the heifer ring, the trade was brisk for the quality lots on offer. Beef lots sold for €2.00-2.30/kg and well-fleshed animals met an exceptional trade; Hereford and Angus heifers traded €1.95-2.60/kg.
Lighter store heifers also met strong demand; Limousin and Charolais lots traded for €3/kg in some cases.
Beef bullocks sold for €650 over and good-quality Friesian lots sold at €800-1,020/head. Similar to the store heifers on offer, store bullocks met a lively trade.
Generally speaking, these lots made €500 over. Friesian and Angus stores sold for €1.80/kg and up, while continental lots traded at €2.10-2.35/kg.
Lighter store bullocks also proved to be in demand. Hereford and Angus lots traded in the region of €2.00/kg, while Friesian lots made €1.80/kg. The majority of continental store lots sold for €2.40-2.80/kg, while better-quality types made €3/kg.
In addition, a number of cull cows were also presented for sale. Friesian types sold for €200-300 over, while older Friesian lots traded for €100 along with their weight. Continental lots traded for €300-950 over.
In the weanling ring, bulls sold for €2.40-2.90/kg. Some E and U-grade lots traded for prices north of €3/kg. Furthermore, heifer weanlings traded for €2.30-2.80/kg.